Tuesday, 4 January 2011


So, today I had a date with Austin Reed teehee. Okay, let me rephrase that.. I had a date at Austin Reed =) For a birthday gift, I was given a Spa Day voucher to the O Spa, Austin Reed.

After much thought, I decided to book this special treat for today and IT WAS FANTASTIC! I'm in such a great mood. Consultation at the beginning became a social chat about the holidays and SALE shopping, the staff there were really nice. My masseuse... well she was just lovely (wish I remembered her name though.) Got the whole works done from head to toe - music and atmosphere was so tranquil; it set the mood in an instant. Coming in from the busy scenes of London City, everything in that time just seemed to pause.

After this pampering experience, I am so wonderfully relaxed and what better than to be stress-free & refreshed for the start of the year! Bliss.

Thank you Austin x

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