Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Bundle of joy


A best friend of mine gave birth almost three weeks ago to a beautiful baby girl. During her pregnancy, I spent a long time working on something special in time for the new arrival.

Here, I made a baby bouquet complete with a baby grow, a body suit, mitts, bibs and a hat; rolled into little buds and roses, wrapped together in a fleeced blanket (which I so wanted to keep for my own comfort). Beige and cream coloured theme as the baby's sex was a surprise.

And here she is...
Welcome to the world ALAYA CHANEL APAN

A deep sense of awe came upon me when I received the delightful news; awaken by a great appreciation of new life. I thank God that my friend got through alright and that she forever remembers that I am so very proud of her.

Mummy Lay & I
 Warmest wishes and best of luck with your new family Gemma & Mark. 
I love you three dearly x


  1. It's so sweet you did this for your friend! (and creative too)
    Congrats to the parents!!

  2. Thanks Bibi =) She's deserves it. BTW, if I haven't said so already, thank you for following my blog x

  3. Haha, you're welcome ^^ Thank YOU for following mine too!
